Life Crisis: an Opportunity for Breakthrough

Key information

Topic Life Crisis: an Opportunity for Breakthrough
Date 20th and 21st September 2025
Time Saturday and Sunday 10am - 5pm
Cost £250 (Partial bursaries available upon written request in advance).
Lecturer Rina Malin M.A., Dipls, Psych, Adv Psych. Supvn
Who can attend Therapists, educators and lay-people alike.
How to book Please book in advance by sending us a £100 non-refundable deposit and emailing a completed booking form

Spiritual awakening is most often preceded by a life crisis that threatens to break us emotionally, physically and mentally. It can be accompanied by seemingly bizarre visions, perceptions and delusions. Seldom is it first perceived as a challenge to unfold, develop a new outlook, and bring new qualities into our life.  However, not all crises are so dramatic as to be engulfing, yet in each case we are forced to confront the challenge of change and growth.

In this seminar we will specifically cover:Life Crisis

  • Signals indicative of an approaching crisis
  • Strategies for developing an overview of the situation in order to see what is being asked of us
  • How to stay with your process while something deeper emerges
  • The purpose of a crisis to discover a more authentic self
  • Developing the strategies needed to meet the challenge

You will begin each day with a lecture of 1.5 hours duration introducing the themes of the weekend.  For this you will join the main body of students training with CCPE. After a break you will join a small group for the rest of the day.  This group will compose of others on the CPD programme and will be facilitated by a staff member of CCPE.

These groups will provide a mix of teaching, exploration and experiential work that are intended to provide a holistic experience of the subject.  All facilitators will be qualified psychotherapists and case material can also be brought and explored through the lens of the transpersonal.

Please note: All content may be subject to change.